How to Work from Home the Right Way amid the Corona Outbreak
The coronavirus outbreak has claimed 37,820 lives around the globe so far. Apart from the obvious health risks, the outbreak has resulted in an unprecedented global economic slowdown.
With the spread of COVID-19 rapidly increasing by the day, and social distancing being the only way to stop it, many nations have chosen countrywide lockdown as a last resort to stop the pandemic.
The lockdown has forced many companies to shut operations completely, but some of them have started using innovative work-from-home solutions. However, keeping the productivity up without your usual resources and work environment is a challenge for many.
Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to keep your productivity and focus high when working from home amid the corona outbreak.
Here are a few tips that our employees have tried and tested successfully.
Create a Dedicated Workplace
Perhaps the most critical tip we as a managed IT service company in Genève can offer is to create a dedicated workspace in your home. Most people working from the office are used to the work environment, which you can’t experience when working from your couch or bed. Chances are you will doze off in a while or procrastinate throughout the day.
While you can’t turn your bedroom into an office overnight, you can make a few changes to get things going.
- If you have a desk, put it to use. You can bring some of your things from the office and arrange them on the desk just the way you did in the office.
- Avoid keeping your desk in your bedroom. Your bed can be a huge distraction. Besides, the bedroom is for resting, not working.
- If you don’t have a desk, you can use your dining room table. However, make sure to keep the potential distractions away as far as possible.
- If possible, find a quiet spot to set up your workspace. That way, you can minimize distractions.
- Keep your TV switched off and avoid checking personal messages when you are working.
Stick to Your Work Schedule
The only difference between working from office and home is that you don’t have to commute. The rest of your work schedule is and should remain unchanged.
To make that happen, keep the following in mind:
- Wake up at the usual hour to finish your morning chores on time like you always do. Don’t wake up late. If you do, your productivity will suffer for the rest of the day.
- Eat your breakfast or drink your OJ like you do every day. No need to skip the most important meal of the day.
- Put on your work clothes or any fresh garments. You should most certainly avoid working in your pajamas. Getting dressed up puts you in the office mindset.
- You can use the extra time (that you usually spend commuting) to take up an additional hobby. A quick round of yoga or a small session of indoor warm-up can help boost your spirit.
Set Boundaries
Although you have created a dedicated workspace, you will still face a few distractions. For example, if you have school-aged kids, they are likely to keep interfering. This is why you need to set boundaries with kids and other family members.
- When it comes to kids, you need to be a bit more liberal with the screen-time. However, do make sure to explain to your kids that this is only temporary.
- Make sure to tell your spouse or other adults that you are not to be disturbed when you are at your desk or on a call with the office unless it’s an emergency.
- Ask the kids and others to keep the TV volume as low as possible.
- Keep your personal phone on silent or switched off when working. Don’t check your social media profiles during your work hours.
- However, when you are done for the day, sign out of all your office communications. Try to be truly at home and spend some quality time with your family.
List and Avoid Distractions
Whether you are working from home or office, distractions are aplenty. However, you may find yourself wasting more time when you are working remotely, that too, in a unique situation like the corona outbreak.
So, you need to list your distractions and try to avoid them as far as possible. Each person is different. So, your distractions will also vary. For example, I love playing music when I am working. However, others may find it distracting.
Before you start your remote work, sit down with a pad and a pen to make a list of the dos and the don’ts. If listening to music helps you concentrate better, play your favorite songs. If, however, your phone is a distraction, keep it away from your desk.
Take Short Breaks
Most people think that they are more productive if they keep sitting at the desk all day. While you may have been doing that in office, it might not work when working remotely. Just sitting there will make you either burn out or sleepy, affecting your productivity considerably.
Besides, getting away from the computer screen can also help reduce the strain on your eyes. So, you need to avoid sitting for long hours.
- If possible, invest in a standing table or a table with adjustable height. It will allow you to work on your feet for a while.
- If not, you can take short breaks. Break down your work into a set of small tasks. After completing each task, you can take a short break to walk around in the house or stand on the balcony.
- During the break, do anything but look at a screen. This means no cell phones, tablets, or TV during the break. Instead, you can look out the window, water the plants, or complete small household chores.
Exercise Your Eyes
Finally, you need to take care of your eyes as your screen-time is most likely to increase when working remotely. It will put immense stress on your eyes. So, you need to exercise your eyes daily.
- Take at least 4-5 visual breaks and focus your eyes somewhere else except the screen for several seconds.
- Close your eyes and roll them around in circles for a few seconds to relax and lubricate the eye muscles.
- Look away for a moment, into the distance such as out of the window.
- Cup your hands over your eyes and stare into the far back of the dark space for a few seconds. It will help freshen your eyes.
- Close your eyes and gently press the eyelids using your fingers for a few seconds.
Wrap Up
Working from home in the middle of the corona outbreak is going to be a challenging task. Staying focused and productive while locked up in your house is tough. Hopefully, these six tips will help you keep your productivity high during these difficult times. Have you already tried any of these tips? Tell us about your experience in the comments section.